Age Calculator

With free Age Calculator, Calculate your age in years, months, and in days

Calculate Your Age To Current Date
Your Birth Date

Calculate Your Age To Given Date
Your Birth Date (From Date)
To Date

The above age calculators uses similar yet different kind of method to calculate the age.

Method1 or First Calculator uses present date while calculating the age. So, all you will only have to do is add your birth date in order to know your current age.

Method 2/ Second Calculator will ask you to input the birthday and also, date till what you want to calculate. Based on this it will tell you your age in terms of year, months and days.

With the help of the age calculator you can not only calculate the age of person but also a thing. This age calculator will help you find your age in terms of Years, Months, and days.

ItsĀ  important to remember that when calculating your age not all months have the same number of days. Also, while a year has 365 days, a leap year has 366 days